Exploring "FRAMED. Women in the Family Court Underworld" with Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko

Exploring “Framed: Women in the Family Court Underworld” with Dr. Christine Cocchiola + Amy Polacko

Coercive Control, News By Oct 01, 2024

Conversations about domestic abuse are often focused on what’s visible—physical violence, bruises, the tangible evidence of harm. However, physical violence is an instrument used to enforce regimes of coercive control in which victim-survivors are carefully groomed from subjugation using a pattern of psycho-emotional manipulation called coercive control. Over time, the cumulative effects of this type of abuse lead to the erosion of a person’s autonomy and will. Because coercive control is often disguised as care, it flies under the radar. Yet, for so many women, it’s the very foundation of their experience in abusive relationships. That’s where Framed: Women in the Family Court Underworld comes in.

Episode 22 of The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast explores the book “FRAMED: Women in the Family Court Wnderworld”.

About Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko

The book Framed: Women in the Family Court Underworld was released today by two extraordinary women: Dr. Christine Cocchiola, a trauma-trained therapist and social justice advocate, and Amy Polacko, an award-winning journalist and divorce coach. The book uplifts the voices of experts by experience: survivors courageously sharing their lived experiences and shedding much-needed light on how coercive control is re-enforced in the family court system.

Family Court and the Divorce Industrial Complex

In Episode 22 of The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko about what Dr. Ramani Durvasula refers to as “the divorce industrial complex” in the foreword to their new book. Together, we explore how gender biases and systemic inequalities can disproportionately impact women in the divorce- and child custody industries, with factors such as financial disparities, dismissal of abuse claims, and legal tactics often working against them. Amy is a returning guest as she appeared last year to discuss family court complicity in Episode 20: How Family Court Enabled The Coercive Control of Catherine Kassenoff.

Dr. Cocchiola and Amy Polacko are not just advocates—they are survivors, experts, and fierce warriors for change. They understand, from both personal experience and years of professional work, that coercive control doesn’t end when a victim-survivor exits an entrapment-based relationship. For many women, the abuse continues and even escalates in family court, a system that’s supposed to protect them but often betrays them instead.

Episode Overview

Exploring the book “FRAMED: Women in the Family Court Underworld” with Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko

In this episode, some of the topics we discuss are:

  • Overview and introduction of the book FRAMED
  • Dr. Cocchiola and Amy Polacko discuss what inspired them to write FRAMED
  • How the story of Catherine Kassenoff revealed the urgent need for FRAMED
  • Which readers will FRAMED help the most?
  • Why men should read FRAMED
  • Coercive control and Black femicide
  • The gap between the psychology field and the family court
  • Why the violent incident model of understanding domestic violence is inadequate
  • The 22 Women from the US, UK, Canada and Australia who share their stories in FRAMED
  • Understanding the coercive control continuum
  • Dr. Cocchiola and Amy Polacko read excepts from FRAMED

Domestic Violence Abuse Awareness Month Coaching Discount

Our Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coaching Service is designed to empower you with expert guidance as you navigate your healing journey. Throughout Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2024 new clients can redeem a 30% discount when they purchase a coaching package! Use the code DVAM24 when you book a free consultation

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Where to Listen

The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast airs on these fine podcast platforms.


The information and opinions presented in this podcast episode are for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The content discussed is based on publicly available information and news reports, and The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast makes no representations or warranties regarding its accuracy or completeness. Any references to specific individuals, cases, or events are intended to provide context for the broader discussion and should not be interpreted as a statement of fact or endorsement.

The topics covered in this episode are complex and may involve sensitive or distressing subject matter. We urge our audience to approach the content with compassion and understanding, recognizing that real-life experiences can be nuanced and multifaceted.

Furthermore, the episode includes discussions on sensitive issues related to mental health and self-harm. If you or someone you know is struggling with emotional distress, we strongly encourage seeking help from mental health professionals or support organizations.

Views expressed by the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the podcast or its producers. The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast aims to foster informed conversations and encourage critical thinking on various topics, but it is not a substitute for personalized legal or professional advice.

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Manya Wakefield is a recovery coach specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy and coercive trauma. Her expertise has been featured in publications such as Newsweek, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and Huffington Post. In 2019, she launched the social impact platform Narcissistic Abuse Rehab, building a global audience through human rights advocacy. The same year, she published the book ‘Are You In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship,’ which is used in domestic violence recovery groups around the world. In 2020, Manya developed The Coercive Control Legislation Global Database. She is also the host of The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast, which is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon.