With ‘The Myth of Mental Illness’, psychiatrist Thomas S. Szasz challenged coercive psychiatry and demanded an evidence based framework.
With ‘The Myth of Mental Illness’, psychiatrist Thomas S. Szasz challenged coercive psychiatry and demanded an evidence based framework.
What is the definition of extreme narcissism? Learn the signs and symptom.
What is the true meaning of the word narcissism? Learn the definition of narcissism and its origin, symptoms, and expressions.
Clinical psychologist Dr. Steve Sultanoff share six signs of love bombing behavior commonly seen in highly narcissistic people and NPDs.
Dr. Rick Patternson reveal some of the qualities predatory narcissists look for in a partner to greenlight their exploitative behavior.
Welcome to the inaugural Narcissistic Abuse Rehab book review with Meredith Wesley’s ‘Unmasking Manipulation’.
50% of women between the age 18-44 have been targeted for reproductive coercion according to a poll by BBC News.
TRAUMA IS THE WORD most commonly associated with extreme narcissism – and with good reason. People who have been targeted for narcissistic abuse often scoff when the pathology is described as shame based because they are distracted by the spectacle of the narcissistic person’s formidable defenses. But in reality, narcissistic personality disorder is a post-traumatic stress adaptation. It is usually…
Coercive control is an act or a pattern of acts used by one person to harm, punish or frighten another person to secure psycho-emotional dominance.
REPRODUCTIVE COERCION is a kind of abuse in which one person or group controls another person’s right to reproductive freedom and self-determination. Perpetrators of reproductive coercion use manipulation tactics, from psycho-emotional abuse and rape to restricting access to healthcare. Perpetrators may oscillate between covert and overt expressions of coercive control. They may also use intermittent reinforcement. For this reason, some…