BBC Three airs a new documentary ‘Is This Coercive Control?’ hosted by journalist Ellie Flynn on October 27, 2020.
BBC Three airs a new documentary ‘Is This Coercive Control?’ hosted by journalist Ellie Flynn on October 27, 2020.
Recovery in the time of Covid-19 can be challenging. Let’s face it, this has been a year like no other. 2020 has challenged every person I know in ways that were simply unimaginable before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Uncertainty, restrictions, and fear have impacted our mental and physical wellbeing. In the time of Covid-19, simple tasks like going to the…
Hawaii’s Governor David Ige signs America’s first coercive control bill into law expanding the definition of domestic abuse.
California becomes the second US state to criminalize coercive control when Governor Gavin Newsom signed Susan Rubio’s Bill into law.
‘Are Your In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship? (Men’s Edition)’ is a book about the unique challenges men in toxic relationships.
You Get To Be YOU This Time is a new podcast series by Veronika Archer that aims to help people transcend and overcome long-term abuse in toxic relationships. I am proud to be participating in a discussion on the topic of Male Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse. This is a topic that’s very close to my heart and I hope to…
I guarantee there is an entire generation that will instantly relate the word isolation to the 2020 COVID-19 crisis. I do not. I will not. Every time I hear that word, my past haunts me. Images flash in my mind. But they are not of the present social distancing, wearing a mask, quarantine, and antibody testing. The images brought to my mind…
Intoxicated by your love Or what I thought was your love Reciprocated with my love True, accepting, encouraging My all-encompassing love And it was amazing Walking on air All guns blazing No need for sleep Because you would keep Me going Just the thought of you was enough to sustain me Just knowing I was yours You were mine No…
It’s said that narcissists counter-parent. Parent-child attachment specialist Michael Kinsey, PhD offers effective co-parenting strategies.
IT IS NOT UNCOMMON FOR NARCISSISTS to manipulate others into relationships by making fraudulent claims about who they are, what they stand for, and by mirroring the goals of the targeted individual. They deliberately make promises they don’t intend to keep and spin webs of deception for the sole purpose of exploiting the target and their resources. In popular psychology,…