
Family Estrangement

Family estrangement refers to the breakdown or loss of a once-existing relationship between family members through physical and/or emotional distancing, resulting in minimal or no communication over an extended period. Unlike the term parental alienation, which has been debunked and carries potential negative connotations, using the term family estrangement acknowledges the complexities of these situations without assigning blame or pathologizing individuals involved. It allows for a more compassionate approach, fostering open dialogue and supporting healing and reconciliation if desired and appropriate for all parties involved.

The Use of Isolation in Coercive Control

Coercive Control By Jul 03, 2020

I guarantee there is an entire generation that will instantly relate the word isolation to the 2020 COVID-19 crisis. I do not. I will not. Every time I hear that word, my past haunts me.  Images flash in my mind.  But they are not of the present social distancing, wearing a mask, quarantine, and antibody testing. The images brought to my mind…