Counter-parenting is a coercive control tactic that’s a common aspect of post-separation abuse in narcissistic family dynamics.
Counter-parenting is a coercive control tactic that’s a common aspect of post-separation abuse in narcissistic family dynamics.
Healthy ways to answer your child’s questions about a narcissistic parent with parent-child attachment specialist Michael Kinsey, Ph.D.
It’s said that narcissists counter-parent. Parent-child attachment specialist Michael Kinsey, PhD offers effective co-parenting strategies.
IT IS NOT UNCOMMON FOR NARCISSISTS to manipulate others into relationships by making fraudulent claims about who they are, what they stand for, and by mirroring the goals of the targeted individual. They deliberately make promises they don’t intend to keep and spin webs of deception for the sole purpose of exploiting the target and their resources. In popular psychology,…
THE FALSE SELF IS A FAKE PERSONA dysfunctional people invent as a psychological defense mechanism against re-living adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic stress. A child’s construction of a false self is an adaptive process. Children may develop it to cope with unmet needs, especially the absence of support the child requires to differentiate themselves from their caregivers. When…
Children of narcissists are born into a gaslit reality where they must learn to adjust to an ever-changing rule book.
Many teenagers may be a bit narcissistic. It is usually a normal stage of development and self-corrects over time with the right parental guidance. For this reason, clinicians are reluctant to diagnose personality disorders in minors. However, when children present as consistently callous and exploitative they may be tested by for conduct disorder. When expressions of dysfunctional narcissism manifest during a…