
Pet Protection in Domestic Violence

Pet protection in domestic violence refers to ensuring the safety and well-being of animals who may be threatened, harmed, or used as tools of coercive control by abusers.

Pets are often considered family members, and their abuse can be a tactic to exert power over victims, making it harder for them to leave dangerous situations.

Safeguarding pets is crucial because it not only protects vulnerable animals but also provides emotional support to victim-survivors, reducing their hesitation to seek help, and fostering a safer environment for both people and pets escaping entrapment-based relationships.

SB 1082: Florida Domestic Violence Pet Protection Law

On July 1, 2020, domestic violence survivors in Florida received expanded legal protections that include their pets. Governor Ron DeSantis signed the bipartisan Senate Bill 1082 into law in June, 2020 allowing courts to include their pets in restraining orders against abusers.1 Perpetrators of coercive control may target pets as a means of inducing fear and submission in the victim, putting their lives at risk….