Who Is Thalia Graves? Alleged victim of Sean "Diddy" Combs

Who Is Thalia Graves? Sean “Diddy” Combs 11th Accuser

True Crime By Oct 10, 2024 No Comments

On September 24, 2024, Thalia Graves filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, accusing disgraced mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs and his former bodyguard, Joseph “Big Joe” Sherman, of gender-motivated violence and the distribution of intimate footage—commonly referred to as revenge porn.1 Ms. Graves’ case is one of the increasing number of lawsuits that continue to expose the rape culture that is alarmingly prevalent in the entertainment industry. Her legal action is a testament to the systemic injustice victim-survivors of sexual assault face when confronted with powerful men and their enablers, a pattern that has historically silenced and erased their voices.

Trigger Warning: This article discusses sensitive topics.

Who is Thalia Graves?

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA – Thalia Graves, an alleged victim of Sean "Diddy" Combs, holds a press conference after filing a lawsuit in Los Angeles, California – Screen capture from YouTube.
LOS ANGELES, CA, USA – Thalia Graves, an alleged victim of Sean “Diddy” Combs, holds a press conference after filing a lawsuit in Los Angeles, California – Screen capture from YouTube.

Thalia Graves’ family immigrated to New York City when she was a teenager, settling in Rego Park, Queens. Ms. Graves got married and started a family.2 Following the end of her marriage, she found a new romantic partner in a rising executive at Mr. Combs’ company, Bad Boy Records.3 Her ambitious partner was part of the hustle of young professionals in the entertainment industry— working hard to ascend the ladder of success in a business that thrives on connections, loyalty, and power.

It was these very qualities—ambition, loyalty, and trust—that were later allegedly exploited by Mr. Combs, according to Ms. Graves’ lawsuit4. She claims that her boyfriend’s ties to Bad Boy would eventually ensnare her in a web of shocking exploitation, and horrific violence.

Thalia Graves’ Account of Her Encounter with Sean “Diddy” Combs and Joseph “Big Joe” Sherman

LAS VEGAS, NV, USA - MAY 21, 2017: Sean "Diddy" Combs at the 2017 Billboard Awards Press Room at the T-Mobile Arena. – Photo by S. Bukley / Deposit Photos
LAS VEGAS, NV, USA – MAY 21, 2017: Sean “Diddy” Combs at the 2017 Billboard Awards Press Room at the T-Mobile Arena. – Photo by S. Bukley / Deposit Photos

According to the complaint filed by Ms. Graves, the ordeal began in the summer of 2001 when Mr. Combs contacted her, ostensibly to discuss her boyfriend’s performance at the label.5 She recalls agreeing to the meeting out of a sense of obligation to her then- partner. She alleges that Mr. Combs had contacted her with a hidden agenda: to assault her and humiliate her then-boyfriend.6

Mr. Combs allegedly arrived at her mother’s residence in Queens in an SUV driven by Mr. Sherman, one of his bodyguards. What began as a professional conversation took an ominous turn after Ms. Graves allegedly accepted a glass of wine from Mr. Combs. In an account that is nearly identical to the events described by Victim #2, Joi Dickerson-Neal, shortly after ingesting the drink, Ms. Graves felt disoriented, lightheaded, and physically weak.7

According to her lawsuit, she believes that the wine she received from Mr. Combs was laced with drugs—a tactic often associated with predatory behavior in cases of sexual assault. Ms. Graves was allegedly transported by Mr. Combs and Mr. Sherman to the Bad Boy recording studio in Manhattan.8

Upon arrival, Ms. Graves claims she was in a weakened state left her vulnerable. She was led to a private room in the studio—an office and personal lounge used by Mr. Combs. It was here that Ms. Graves alleges the sexual assault took place, forever altering the course of her life.9

Sean “Diddy” Combs Legacy of Abuse Allegations

SEAN "DIDDY" COMBS ALLEGED VICTIMS: From top left: Joi Dickerson-Neal, Lil Rod, Kim Porter. From bottom left: Gina Hyugh, Cassandra "Cassie" Ventura, and Thalia Graves. – (Photos by AI, Instagram, YouTube, and Deposit Photos)
SEAN “DIDDY” COMBS ALLEGED VICTIMS: From top left: Joi Dickerson-Neal, Lil Rod, Kim Porter. From bottom left: Gina Hyugh, Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura, and Thalia Graves. – (Photos by AI, Instagram, YouTube, and Deposit Photos)

The allegations against Mr. Combs in Thalia Graves’ lawsuit are not isolated. In recent years, Mr. Combs has been the subject of multiple civil suits involving allegations of sexual violence, abuse, and exploitation of men and women.10 Just days before Ms. Graves filed her lawsuit, Mr. Combs was arrested and charged with racketeering and sex trafficking.11 While Mr. Combs maintains his innocence, the charges and lawsuits paint a disturbing picture of a person who allegedly used his influence, and wealth to exercise abusive power and control over a staggering number of victims.

Many alleged victim-survivors, like Ms. Graves, have long felt silenced by the power dynamics at play that have alleged powerful men to inflict unspeakable harm on others with impunity. Mr. Combs appears to be part of the rape culture in the entertainment industry, upheld by sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein, Keith Raniere, and R. Kelly, who used their fame and influence to exploit power dynamics and escape accountability for their actions.

Historically, there was little to no hope of obtaining justice as serial abusers surrounded themselves with teams of lawyers, publicists, and enablers who silenced victim-survivors and dismissed their allegations. However, when the #MeToo movement–founded by Tarana Burke in 2006–became mainstream by way of a tweet by Alyssa Milano on October 15, 2017, it ignited a new wave of activism. In some jurisdictions, provisions have since been made for victim-survivors to come forward with their stories and take legal action, no matter how high-profile the perpetrator may be.

This allowed Mr. Combs’ alleged victims to come forward under New York’s Adult Survivors Act (ASA), which provided a one-year window, from November 24, 2022, to November 24, 2023, for alleged victims of sexual offenses whose statute of limitations had expired to file civil suits. New York state’s so-called “loopback window” has been extended until March 25, 2025.12

The Role of Gender-Motivated Violence and Revenge Porn

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA – SEPT 24, 2024: Thalia Graves, an alleged victim of Sean "Diddy" Combs, holds a press conference after filing a lawsuit in Los Angeles, California – Screen capture from YouTube.
LOS ANGELES, CA, USA – SEPT 24, 2024: Thalia Graves, an alleged victim of Sean “Diddy” Combs, holds a press conference after filing a lawsuit in Los Angeles, California – Screen capture from YouTube.

At the heart of Ms. Graves’ lawsuit is the charge of gender-motivated violence that sees women targeted by men due to unequal gender power dynamics and misogynistic attitudes. While many of Mr. Combs’ alleged victims are men and boys, Ms. Graves’ allegations against Messrs. Combs and Sherman involve an abuse of power that specifically targeted and violated her physically and emotionally because of her gender. This is reflected in her allegation that they sexually assaulted her to humiliate her then-boyfriend, implying they viewed her as property or a means to exert control, rather than as an autonomous individual.

Ms. Graves also accuses Messers. Combs and Sherman of distributing footage from the assault—an act commonly referred to as “revenge porn”. The release of such footage is not only a violation of privacy but a tactic used to shame and control victim-survivors. Revenge porn has become an increasingly common method of retaliating against people who seek justice, a tool of intimidation used to silence them. For Ms. Graves, the circulation of this footage deepens the trauma she has endured and follows a pattern of behavior Mr. Combs has been accused of since 1991. In Ms. Graves’ case, this added violation amplifies the original act of violence, transforming a deeply personal attack into a public spectacle of degradation.


NEW YORK CITY, USA - MARCH 15, 2020: New York County Supreme Court in New York City, NY, USA. – Photos by Deposit Photos
NEW YORK CITY, USA – MARCH 15, 2020: New York County Supreme Court in New York City, NY, USA. – Photos by Deposit Photos

Thalia Graves’ is the eleventh alleged victim of Sean “Diddy” Combs to come forward with allegations of sexual assault in a case that stands as a poignant example of how the intersections of power, gender, and violence play out in the lives of victim-survivors. As the lawsuit against Sean “Diddy” Combs and Joseph “Big Joe” Sherman progresses, it is a symbol of the long-standing fight for human rights and the call for an end to the systemic violence that permeates many aspects of society.In telling her story, Mr. Graves joins the chorus of survivors who are demanding accountability and transparency in a system that has historically failed them. As the world watches this case unfold, one thing is certain: silence is no longer an option.


  1. Graves, T. (2024). Thalia Graves v. Sean Combs, Joseph Sherman, Daddy’s Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial. United States District Court, Southern District of New York. No. 24 Civ. 7201. ↩︎
  2. Ibid. ↩︎
  3. Ibid. ↩︎
  4. Ibid. ↩︎
  5. Ibid. ↩︎
  6. Ibid. ↩︎
  7. Wakefield, M. (2023) Who Is Joi Dickerson Neal? Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Second Accuser. Narcissistic Abuse Rehab. ↩︎
  8. Graves, T. ↩︎
  9. Ibid. ↩︎
  10. Wakefield, M. (2024). Al B. Sure! Links Kim Porter’s Death to Sex Trafficking Cover-Up. Narcissistic Abuse Rehab. ↩︎
  11. Wakefield, M. (2024). Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Arrested in Amid Federal Sex Trafficking Investigation. Narcissistic Abuse Rehab. ↩︎
  12. Morin, K. (2023, December 20) “New York City Law Revives Expired Claims for Sexual Assault through March 25, 2025.” The National Law Review. ↩︎

Photos by Manya Wakefield and Deposit Photos.


Manya Wakefield is a recovery coach specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy and coercive trauma. Her expertise has been featured in publications such as Newsweek, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and Huffington Post. In 2019, she launched the social impact platform Narcissistic Abuse Rehab, building a global audience through human rights advocacy. The same year, she published the book ‘Are You In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship,’ which is used in domestic violence recovery groups around the world. In 2020, Manya developed The Coercive Control Legislation Global Database. She is also the host of The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast, which is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon.